AYUSH Scholarship | Application Deadline 15 July 2022
AYUSH Scholarship has been announced for Bangladeshi students under the academic session 2022-23. According to the circular, the application deadline is 15 July 2022. Government of India award AYUSH Scholarship to international students for pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses related to Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy medicines in Indian Universities and Colleges under the government funding. Candidates should have proficiency in English along with Physics, Chemistry and Biology in their School-leaving examinations.
Full Form of AYUSH
The full form of AYUSH is Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. This is also a fully funded scholarship for international students to Study in India. AYUSH Scholarship includes Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery-BAMS, Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery-BSMS, Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery-BUMS, Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery-BAMS, B Sc in Yoga, BA (Yoga Shastra), MD Ayurveda, MD Siddha, MD Unani, MD Homeopathy, PhD in Ayurveda, PhD in Unani.
Application Process
Bangladeshi applicants may apply through https://www.sjsdhaka.gov.in and create individual login ID and password for submitting the application on ICCR A2A Portal.
Guideline for AYUSH Scholarship Scheme
- No application will be accepted after last date of application;
- The application will be processed only for the course applied for. No request for transfer university / change in course will be entertained at any stage once the admission is confirmed;
- The eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions for admission of the respective university will be applicable.
- The candidate has to fill 03 choices of universities in the application in order of preference;
- The allocation of university will be subject to availability of seat. If no seats are available in the choice of university given by the candidate, the allocation of university will be done by the Ministry of AYUSH in other university as per the availability of seats;
- Ministry of AYUSH may decide about the selection criteria from time to time;
- The medium of teaching will be in English and or Hindi;
- Equivalency certificate for the foreign candidates is obtained by the ICCR from Association of Indian Universities. There will be no reimbursement of fee paid by the scholars to Association of Indian Universities for obtaining equivalency certificate;
- Candidate has to confirm / deny the offer of admission within 15 days of receiving the offer letter which it will be considered that the candidate is not interested and the seat will be offered to the next candidate in the waiting list;
- There is no provision for Health/Medical insurance for the AYUSH Scholars;
- Economy class Airfare by shortest/cheapest route will be provided to the scholars once at the time of admission and once after completion of the course;
- The air tickets for to & from journey to the scholar will be provided by the concerned Indian Mission / ICCR.
- In case of urgency, the candidate has to inform about the travel plans/itinerary to ICCR and seek the prior approval to ICCR before booking the airtickets. No reimbursement of cost of air tickets / booking charges of the air tickets will be made to the scholars if the tickets are not booked with prior approval of ICCR;
- Reimbursement of House Rent Allowance (HRA), other allowances etc, will be settled in the ongoing financial year (on producing authentic bills/receipts/supporting documents). Request for reimbursement of allowance for past financial year/years will not be entertained;
- No allowance/fee other than mentioned in the terms and conditions will be provided / reimbursed;
- Any matter not covered above will be referred to Ministry of AYUSH, decision of which will be final.
Eligibility Criteria
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
A degree course including one year mandatory clinical training (internship)
Course duration: 5 years and 6 months
Eligibility: '12 years of schooling with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS)
A degree course including one year mandatory clinical training (internship)
Course duration: 5 years and 6 months
Eligibility: 12 yeas of schooling with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS)
A degree course including one year mandatory clinical training (internship)
Course duration: 5 years and 6 months
Eligibility: 12 years of schooling with science subjects (Physics,Chemistry & Biology)
Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
A degree course including one year mandatory clinical training (internship)
Course duration: 5 years and 6 months
Eligibility: 12 years of schooling with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
B Sc in Yoga
Course duration: 3 years
Eligibility: 12 years of schooling
BA (Yoga Shastra)
Course Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: 12 years of schooling
Postgraduate courses and eligibility under AYUSH Scholarship Scheme
MD Ayurveda
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: BAMS degree recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)
MD Siddha
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: BSMS degree recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)
MD Unani
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: BUMS degree recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)
MD Homeopathy
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: BHMS degree recognized by Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH)
PhD in Ayurveda
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: MD (Ayurveda) degree recognized by CCIM
PhD in Unani
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: Eligibility: MD (Unani) degree recognized by CCIM
For further details, applicant may contact Education Wing, High Commission of India, Dhaka, Plot No.1-3, Park Road, Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Please note, AYUSH Scholarship application deadline is 15 July 2022 according to the Press Release of the High Commission of India, Dhaka on 27 June 2022.